Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 18: Back to The Big Apple

After an amazing respite in California over the weekend, landing in NYC on Monday was truly surreal.  It's amazing in this day and age, how quickly we can be in two diverse and distanced places within a matter of hours.  Even more amazing is the variance in lifestyle: it's almost like having a split personality - four days on being an irate, fast-paced New Yorker followed by waking up the next morning in California for three days of a smile on your face and a song in your mouth, compliments of Katy Perry.

Monday: Plane rides all day, arriving back in NY I had to do something to get the "airplane feel" out of my body - so I caught up on late-night television while on the StairMaster.

Tuesday: Yankees game (against the LA Angels) - a horrendous loss on the Yankee's side.  But, secretly, I couldn't be broken-hearted since the Ms. Bay Area side of my personality had recently experienced the superiority of the West Coast less than 24 hours prior.

Wednesday: Full blown sweatfest in the gym with the ADD circuit and suspersets.

Thursday: Elliptical in the morning, and jaunting around lower Manhattan in the afternoon.

Friday: In preparation for the night's event, an East Village Pub Crawl, I hauled myself into the gym for some cardio.  Then, I prepared my innards with appropriate alcohol-absorbing french fries.  There was a tornado warning when we departed for the pubs, but it cleared by the time we got out of the subway.  Oh the joys of being underground for an hour in air-conditioning.

Saturday: An early morning run to sweat out the residual beer, then a full day at the beach, playing in sand and surf, with colossal overhead waves, left over from the monsoon the night prior.  Nothing like diving through a crashing whitecapped tidal wave and having it pull off your bikini bottoms to get the whole self involved in a strenuous physical feat of recovering your dignity while surviving Mother Nature.  Was still amped up after we returned home, so I hit the gym again for weights and promptly passed out at 10pm.

Sunday: Rested all day with sore muscles and happy heart.  Couldn't sleep however - I think the early evening sessions of working out are the trick to having a good night's sleep.  At least, I'm too tired to do anything else and my body is screaming for recuperation.  Instead, I was screaming for some kind of exhaustion.

Next up: The last week of July.  Where did the summer go?

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