Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 16: The Year of Fun

Walking home late one evening with some friends, I was struck by the idea of how much stress I had accumulated over the past year, and how I was still feeling anxiety over the remaining year of graduate school, the future search for a job, the future financial securities...basically concentrating so much energy into the future, that I was neglecting the present.  In fact it occurred to me, as I looked down at my summery flip-flops, that I had forgotten how to be present.  Here I was, listening to light-hearted laughter over the day's antics, breezing down Broadway under a full moon, surrounded by smiling, joyous people, and my concentration was only stopping in for a little check-up on the subject of conversation before jumping back into thoughts about what I needed to prepare for the next day.

I stopped myself in the street as a bolt of inspiration hit me and proclaimed to my friend Laura, "I am going to have fun. Everyday.  Starting now."  And with that, I ran towards the nearest scaffolding and launched myself onto the highest bar I could reach and gave a leaping split kick into the air.

(I honestly cannot tell you what came over me, but witnesses will testify that I had just imbibed a delicious concoction commonly known as "Bubble Tea"...known to induce glee and satisfaction within 15 minutes of digestion.)

Since that inspired revelation last week, I have stuck with the quest: A year of fun.  Everyday.  Something fun.

It's changed my life so far.

Monday: Recovering from the Fourth of July barbecue for the residents.  100 plus people, two charcoal grills, one social director in a sarong, and an evening of three fireworks displays from the rooftop.  Running commenced to cover the cost of the hot dogs.  Evening consisted of an inspiring presentation of a youth refugee film screening at the House.

Tuesday: The hottest day on record.  Decided to tromp about in the park at 3pm and sweat the heat out.  Funnily enough, I cooled off so much I slept like a baby that evening.  Also had to bid farewell to a great friend who was returning to the Netherlands.

Wednesday: Running in the evening to cool off.  Complete with a romp through some late-night sprinklers.

Thursday: Ice Cream Social and a mini-dance party in honor of the return of a beloved friend from the Czech Republic.

Friday: Party in honor of National Sugar Cookie Day.  Spent the day sauna-like in the community kitchen, whipping up some homemade cookies for the event, and then decorated the pub.  Danced and socialized til the wee hours of the morning.

Saturday: Energized from the week, went on a run and did some Rocky-esque log tossing in the wooded area of the park.  Then rode over to East Harlem to catch up with a friend and explore the neighborhood.  Nothing like Puerto Rican hoots and hollers to raise the self-esteem.  Gracias, papi, but no, I did not drop your heart in the street, nor will I bend down to get it for you.

Sunday: The World Cup finals.  Spain pulled through, though it took them long enough.  Rehearsal for a staged reading at Ripley-Grier studios made me feel like a real NYC actor.

Thus far, the commitment to fun has proved to be the best idea I've had in....well, ever.  Try it out for a week - seek out something fun everyday - and you tell me just how much it rocks. 

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